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Application Procedure


Selection Criteria

  • Robust technology, a clear business plan, a practical product roadmap, and a reliable leadership team.

    Early Stage: For companies that have not yet launched or have been committed to the current idea for less than 6 months, there should be a preliminary and comprehensive concept of their business/product model, focusing on completing MVP/Testnet or Demo Version.

    Later Stage: For companies with strong appeal or currently raising funds in the range of millions of dollars or more, there should be solid technical papers and product designs, a fully viable testing version, and Web3-related companies should also have a logically sound token model.

  • We are seeking: Generative AI models, computing power leasing markets, AI resource data monetization, A-powered quantitative trading, and artificial intelligence model hosting.

  • The founding team provides real names to the accelerator and investment institutions, adhering to the laws and regulations of the relevant regions and industries.

  • The founding team signs relevant service agreements with the accelerator. Depending on the company's different development stages, the accelerator provides services including but not limited to investment, incubation, operations, legal, media, guidance, and brand support.

  • Projects and teams are selected as "Elite Members," "Outstanding Members," or "Expert Members" based on the quality of the project.

Application Process

1. Project Registration

2. Mentor Selection

3. Initial Screening Approval

4. Project Roadshow

5. Intention Signing


Application Page

  • Applicant name

  • Applicant E-mail

  • Project Name

  • Project website

  • Project social media

  • Deck of the project

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